memang best gilerrrr....n ni lah antara the best theatre n paling puas ati yg penah ku tonton!
puas ati..yes...betul
berbaloi w/pun kena beli tiket yg agak mahal
no wonder org berebut2 beli tiket..it's worth it!
waduhhh...rase boleh pejam mata sebelah je pasal duit yg dilabur utk tiket...tak nyesal beb....walaupun masa on the way tadi kitorg asyik dok sebut pasal duit jer...
Memang xdisangka cempedak jadi nangka
tiket yg kitorg cari selama ni didepan mata
ade org terpaksa cancel dan jual kat kitorg tetiba
tu la namenye qadak n qadarnya
tapi sirius berbaloi dgn persembahan yg superb...splendid..awesome..watever la org kate..memang betul
rase hepi je bila keluar panggung sari tu..puas ati!..rase nak suruh sambung lg jer
nak describe citer ni..memang sedia maklum..fail sikit
so..nasib baik byk yg dah comment pasal pgl ni..so sila check blog2 lain if u wish for a better narration
so serba ringkasnya macam yg tertera dr wikipedia di bawah ni

Set late in the 15th Century, the musical tells the tale of Gusti Putri, a princess of Majapahit who falls in love with the Malaccan warrior Hang Tuah. The pair first meet when a Malaccan entourage arrives in Majapahit, and both are immediately intrigued with the other's charm and intelligence.
When Majapahit is threatened by a coup, the king Gusti Adipati asks Sultan Mahmud of Malacca for help. Sultan Mahmud promises his aid on the condition that he be allowed to marry Gusti Putri. Gusti Adipati agrees to the condition, not realising that his sister has fallen for another. Sultan Mahmud then sends Tuah to lead a delegation to warn Majapahit's enemy. Gusti Putri, overcome with longing for her beloved, decides to leave Majapahit for Mount Ledang, where she will wait for Tuah.
Gusti Adipati learns that his sister has fled, and chases her to Malacca. When Sultan Mahmud learns that Gusti Putri is on Gunung Ledang, he sends Tuah as his delegate to formally present his proposal of marriage to her. The lovers are reunited on Gunung Ledang, but Gusti Putri is disappointed to learn that Hang Tuah has sought her out on behalf of his king.
Gusti Putri then sets seven conditions for Sultan Mahmud to fulfil before she will accept his proposal, the seventh condition being a bowl of his young son's blood. Before Sultan Mahmud can kill his own son, Gusti Putri stops him, declaring that the conditions were a rejection and all she wants is to live on Gunung Ledang in peace. Enraged, Sultan Mahmud condemns her to live forever alone on Gunung Ledang.
ehem-ehem.. ringkasnya
bayangkan citer dongeng yg kita dgr masa kecik2 dulu direalisasikan didepan mata..dan ia adalah of our own epic story...bukan citer cinderella ke..snow white ke..
so...perasaan excited nak tgk tu memang sgt2 excited...
actually dah lama teringin nak tgk...tapi xpenah bejaya dpt tiket..so kempunan dah 2 season
nasib baik mengidam kali ni dpt....memang macam xpecaya weh!
overall...memang sgt berpuas ati..as i said earlier..
antara scene yg paling aku suka...
masa starting..aku dah ternganga n diam..terpukau sat..scene di tanah jawa..dgn lagu n sound effect yg sgt best...tarian cantik n very the jawa la..xtau tarian ape actually
plot..Hang Tuah n Gusti Puteri Raden Adjeng Retno Dumilah dating waktu malam atas bukit tu
cantik nyerrr.....dgn bintang yg berkelip-kelip n bulan penuh ....cantik sgt..dan dialog pun sgt menarik...comel..

semua magic yg dibuat..sgt menjadi..masa puteri hilang kat tgh2 pentas n masa nenek kebayan mengganggu kumpulan hang tuah n nenk kebayan meletup n hilang..tabik la..
puteri bertemu semula dgn hang tuah tetapi hang tuah dtg hanya dg hajat menjalankan perintah sultan shj...rase nak nangis...huhuhu..(tapi malu )..dan jeritan frust stephen rahman yg sgt2 pjg..yg nafasnya pjg giler beb..menunjukkan perasaan lelaki yg kecewa n tersepit antara cinta n taat setia kpd raja...(huh..memang xpatut tuah ni kan?)

bila puteri memberi 7 syarat peminangan...dgn suaranya yg sgt seram n menakutkan...dan background yg ade tulisan sanskrip apetah..unik..cam mimpi ah..xsangka diorg berjaya buat cam dibayangkan / diharapkan
masa prop pintu pagar istana melaka yg turun dr atas tuh..fuhhh..cantik wei..xleh describe
n prop tangga batu yg dipelbagaikan kegunaannya...very intelligent..maximise use of prop
n as warda said..i agree gambaran scene di melaka memang menunjukkan melaka is much beautiful than jawa...sori..n pompuan melaka tak tonggek..heheh
tarian Adlin yg menghilangkan sementara perasaan berdebar penonton menuggu reaksi puteri bile dia tahu nanti dia akan dikahwinkan dgn sultan melaka.
tarian gembira nak kawin...
..i like it all actually ape2 pun...ia memang sangat berbaloi ditonton..especially in theatre..xsama kalau kat tv k!
* clap, clap,clap....bravo!
* sad to hear that this is the last appearance of tiara in PGL...ummm.. nasib baik sempat tgk tiara
* Stephen Rahman Hughes sgt sesuai sbg Hang Tuah...n i've no idea sape yg lebih layak kalau bukan dia?
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