Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Beginikah rasenye bila...

Donno to describe the feeling...hurmm...
Hepi?...jauh skali
sedih?...tak pun...ape nak disedihkan...
Mase berlalu begitu shj
bumi dah buat hampir satu putaran lengkap..
masa berjalan..bejalan n bejalan n bejalan...n..n.. tanpa ade lampu merah cam traffic light tu..hmmph
atau jarum jam RM14.90 yg beli kan Mydin tu..tik..tik..tik..tik..(jd slow skit bila bateri makin lemah)bleh dgr bila semua org dah tido..mcm mlm ni
tu la.......HAKIKAT...terima. terima.terima. kena terima k.
I achieved NOTHING???..for 365 days yg hampir abis?
*tsk* *tsk*
Rase cam terbayang lagi rupe bila gi kelas calculus kat bwh library..mase first year
Makan kat cafe bwh library, sementara gap tunggu next class...
Berjalan satu campus sbb lecture merata-rata..ye la budak matrik
ok..pastu masa final year wat project kat lab...giler stay back..satu ari suntuk...pegi pagi..balik pagi esok..selama 2 sem tu..pergh..supervisor yg agak gender bias!..terbayang lagi muka dia..tak benci..just tak minat dia...tp camne le last resort..terpaksa cari dia...nak prof lain, xde jodoh.
Rase cam baru semalam mak hantar first posting..macam budak nak masuk asrama
Rase cam baru smalam kawan2 yg sporting pindah sekolah...
Rase cam baru smlam keje...huih..


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

kenapa lampu ni susah nyala?

Pernah x anda(sape?!)terfikir atau buat macam saya selalu buat bila berdepan/ tengok sesuatu. Kadang-kadang mende2 tu kita x ambik peduli..tp kdg2 dia jd penting macam hidup kita ditentukan oleh benda tu.
Baiklah..xyah intro melalut..baik bg contoh
Contoh pertama:
Anda tengah baling-baling kertas nak masuk dlm bakul sampah..jaraknya agak2 3 langkah gitu. Kira nak test skill mula-mula tu..pastu terpasang niat., kalau ketas ni masuk bakul, hujung taun ni aku kawin...hehhe(contoh)
So ape lg..drpd main2 nak buang sampah..terus aim bakul tu betul2..

Contoh kedua:
Bila pasang lampu, lambat benor nak nyala,..terkelip-kelip..hampir setengah jam la jugak. So pejam mata, sambil cakap dlm hati,..kalau aku bukak mata dan lampu ni dah berenti berkelip,aku kawin taun depan..(contoh ye)

Contoh ketiga:
kalau ikut citer korea pun ada..kalau org tu pusing sekali lg pandang kita..maknanyer dia memang betul2 suke kat kita.

Contoh keempat:
Dulu-dulu masa sekolah,(sek rendah) tgh jalan jalan..nampak batu cam sama saiz...terus buat niat..kalau berjaya sepak batu 10 bijik sebelum masuk pagar sekolah, mesti hari ni cikgu yg ensem masuk kelas(cikgu azman..cikgu sains darjah 3)..haha..so jalan ketepi ketengah cari batu nak cukupkan 10 biji. (Sekolah rendah tak reti ikut jadual waktu ye..)..

ade jugak...nak gi bank, parking kete..kalau parking betul-betul tak langgar divider or pagar..mesti mesin atm ok.

macam-macam lg..tapi dah lupa ..lgpun masa tgh tulis ni..ramai dah bangun..so idea terus ilang...semalam dah adikku konker..till then..nanti saya cuba berkarya lagi..xpe xde org baca pun..huhuhu

Sunday, November 15, 2009

bila hujan

bila hujan..xde mood
tp orang kate, hujan tu RAHMAT..
Ye ke?..ermmmm..ye kot
ye la..
Bila hujan malas keluar..
bila tak keluar...tak nampak ape2..
bila tak nampak...tak tertarik
bila tak tertarik..tak rase nak beli
bila tak beli...selamat la duittt..

bila hujan,
jalan basah..nak jalan pun susah
lebih baik dok umah

bila hujan,
internet down...
tak bleh browse sana sini
takde la pengetua sakit hati

bila hujan
rase nak balik
buat kopi panas2..tengok tv
pastu tidooooooooooooo


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

takde pape...

ok...takmau lepas geram lg..lg lg geram..lagi lagi marah...adoiii.menopause ke ape..ahaks..lgpun hilang comel la pulak dok asyik tak puas ati jer...pikir senang jer..."don't take things seriously"..takpun.."think positive"..ntoh ler..

..erm..masa dok golek2 atas katil..tgh layan radio..tgh drive..banyak pulak idea nak membebel
..ni dah dok tercongok depan ni..hilang semua ayat2 cinta giler(sejak bila ade bau2 cinta nih?)...huhu
Malas la nak pikir
Lu pikir la seniri..Nak tido..cari inspirasi lain..

p/s: sape2 terlalu...tutup mata!..jgn baca blog buruk nihh(tp org dia comel ek..)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


....kerajaan patut isytihar darurat!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jika anda perempuan....

Jika anda sorang pompuan.....
Jgn order makanan dgn pelayan pompuan

Jgn shopping baju dgn jurujual pompuan

Jgn contact balik exschoolmate OR coursemate pompuan

Anda mungkin kena charge double walaupun menunye same!
Takpun...makanan tu xsedap sbb dia masak ala kadar...sumpah aku baru
kena..geram ni

Anda mungkin direkemen beli baju yg obviously buruk...cam dia xreti langsung
nak tgk baju tu sesuai ke ngan gaya kita...pelik...(mungkin sbb taukeh dia
suruh dia abiskan stok lama kedai tu..)

Anda mungkin terpaksa dgr n layan excitednye diorg citer pasal life diorg dan
anak2 shj....or some of them yg constantly contact each other..so kita lost
their stories...then terpaksa la belakon yg kita cam paham life dia n famili
n hubby dia.. ...boring!..tahap membunuh

Igt senang ke jd pompuan?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

entry paling bosann

another bosan story...
since jadual kelas memang pelik....kosong giler dr pg...sampai tak tau nak buat ape(actually..malas)
sementara tunggu kelas..tghari kang....so kita semakkan blog ni

Penah rase sakit telinga tak?..turun sampai kat ati..pastu sakit perut..rase nak hempas buku kuat-kuat kat mesin photostat yg tak berdosa tu...
bila dgr org membebel..bunyik cam mak nenek
specifically..kak pow..tgh mmebebel ntah ape tah dgn budak2 tu..
SEYES!..sakit telinga dengar....
suara nyaring...frekuensi..xyah citer..
ko marah ke..ape?
suara kuat cam marah...pastu sekejap..cam buat ala-ala manja pulak
Tak paham

Have a good day ciknde!
God bless me..huhuhu

Sunday, July 26, 2009

pagi isnin yg 'gelap'

Blog ni dah jd tempat aku lepas geram dah..tak pedulik ar
Lately asyik gerammmm jek..
Pg ni start dr tempat assembly
..... Cik Z yg cam bagus..ckp xde rase hormat org ..tp nak org hormat dia..dok belakang aku...dah la mulut xberenti mengomel..semua benda nak ulas..macam org nak tau ulasan dia sgt..xpe..aku bleh tahan lagi
Pastu..kaki dia asyik bergedik kat kaki kusi aku...heeeish..ni yg aku xleh tahan!
aku gerak kedepan skit..bg hint
dia bergedik lg..
aku gerak lg kedepan...
dia main ketuk kaki dia kat krusi aku lg..
"oi..kkaki ko bleh x jgn cenggitu"
ape kepala hotak dia betul la..
Heeiii..kepala biol..fius putus betul la..minah ni

Perkara kedua..di pg isnin
"Kp n s/u nanti sila susun file kat rak depan bilik ketua bidang"
Last 2 weeks aku dah angkut file dr bilik gerakan masuk balik bilik ni..
dsbbkan xmuat space dah tepi meja, aku letak bawah tv tu..lg pun sekali ngan hand-out kitorg kat situ...
yg rase panas skit ni...sesuka ati jer..manusia2 pmr yg aku memang anti ni..alih kebelakang kat stor yg diorg pun xnak pi sana...
hey..tu bukan rak korg la!
bukan ke semua dah ade bilik masing2?
Letak la kat bilik korangggggggg!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

korang selfish sebenornya..

Bila cakap pasal 'korang'
'Korang' tau 'korang' tu somebody(erk?)
selalu korang dirujuk kalau ade ape2 je ..xkira bidang or luar bidang..ramai nak pegi jumpa 'korng'..
Tak pasti benda penting ke xpenting..semua beria-ia dok mengeilingi korng
Tapi tak kisah la..lantak korang-korang la

ni pasal satu benda yg memang nampak betapa 'korang' ni memang selfish
Dulu bila almari depan bilik korang..bising suruh ubah ke belakang
Tempat dah strategik...tp agaknya dah xde idea nak buat keje..cari keje menyusahkan budak2
Hari ni..pagi2 buta korng suruh angkat pulak semua almari tu..letak depan bilik korng semula..(ape keje tu!?)

Tanye le opinion org ln...maybe org ln ade idea lg baik
tp jgn le..tanye, terus le le tu kena bg cadangan...bincang elok2..
Dah tau korng xpasti..xde idea..jgn le eksyen sgt xnak tanya org lain

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

aku sakit ati!

macam mane nak forgive n forget seseorg tu, kalau dia masih jugak xabih2 cari pasal ngan kita?
Fine!..kalau kita dah tak boleh jadi kawan..xpe..xkisah
ko jgn peduli hal aku..aku pun memang dah lama xpeduli hal ko..
Ko ade geng baru..so do i
Ko rase ko sgt eficient....bleh blah..ADE AKU KESAH?
Kalau ko rase macam pegawai besor..asyik out-station...aku TAK HERAN ponn..
Cuma mintak tolong...jgn BUAT CITER x betul pasal aku sudah..kalau ko xde kat tempat kejadian!!!!..PAHAM!!!!
sekali lg


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

kenapa nak mati ni?

kesian ikan ni..
ape la nasib korang ni..
aku memang ingt nak bela korang pasni..tp yg korang asyik lompat-lompat ni apesal?
dok elok-elok tak leh ke?..kan aku dah taruk korang dlm bekas besar sikit tu?..
kenapa lompat2 lg ni?
tak abis2 lompat..

kan dah perut ke atas..
ape nak buat ni??
tolong le jgn mati lg...

kenapa korang nak mati jugak??


Monday, June 15, 2009

semalam dan hari ni..

Mungkin saya patut ucapkan ini selalu..
Hari ni..supposed to be hari yg aaku dah set menyampah..sbb terpaksa handle menda yg xsuka, cooperate dgn musuh(cit...musuh?), dan terpaksa jd terer utk benda yg memang sgt tak terer.
Setelah kisah semalam yg menyebabkan muke saya rase tak comel sangat2(kalu marah xde sape jd comel pun kan?)berlalu,(penat bg idea dan tahan sabar dgn adik yg sorg tu..sampai umah lambat n bersabor sepjg dia bawak kete yg macam kura2...adik sorg lg pulak terambik beg labtop aku n beg kertas2 solan sekali nak bawak balik kat asrama dia...(dah sampai sek dia pon..actually)..fuhh..tak penah seharu biru tu....kira memang nak ngamuk ngan semua org la...(malu balik bila igt..apo nak buek..)..sori banyak2 kat korg ek..ln kali jgn wat lalok je tau!

So hari ni pulak..meeting with this senior tchr..lepas abis discuss pasal apparatus n material yg diperlukan for the karnival nanti, ntah camne termasuk topik pasal satisfaction in work..kitorg la..the thcrs issues la..dari pael PPD(keje lepas tangan)..JPA.(yg dah fix rule n regulation for perjawatan guru2...yg memang melemahkan semangat to hear the fact)..Admin di sekolah yg kadang2 mematahkan semangat tchrs..i agree to all of wht she said...memang agak brutal cara dia bercakap..tp style org kan macam2...yg penting idea dia agak genuine...memang la..some idea tu cliche...tp at least dia share her own experient bukan cedok cakap org je bulat2...idea dia tanam pokok..buat sek cam sek seniri..ikut suka ati..asal kita puas ati..memang sounds silly...but kadang..betul gak...just another way out dr rase bosan..ngan keje bodoh..pikir menda bodoh atau org bodoh (sbb rase kita pandai skit..hehhe)..watever la..yg tak tau nak ckp cammane kat org lain..ye la..org ln kan byakkk..keje..hectic life la katakannnn

U dah bg skit semangat utk sy to start this first day of second term of school..
I'll try to figure out something to do..to value n appreciate myself...or to kill all the negative thought in me!..hahahha
any idea.nakwat ape?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

oo ikanku si ikan karin...

susah nak suruh dia ni posing...
body cantik tp tak bercita-cita nak jadi model..
so..ni je la antara the best post of him...hehe

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Kek Cokelat caraku..

..mula-mula, pukul 1 cawan gula + seketul buttercup..

...sehingga kembang seperti ini...

...sementara tu, satu cawan gula + 2 cawan coklat dicairkan...

....masukkan telur, 4 biji,sebiji demi sebiji.. ke dlm buttercup n gula yg dah kembang tadi....

...tambah 2 cawan tepung

...campurkan kedua-dua bahagian...iaitu coklat cair kpd campuran tepung+telur+buttercup+gula tadi...

....inilah rupa adunan kek tadi..masukkan dlm bekas/bentuk yg anda suka...

...masukkan dlm periuk pengukus..atau boleh juga oven..

......tang tarang...ini la rupa kek coklat caraku..


Thursday, May 14, 2009

bila dah kantoi...

Yesterday,..i was like this...

hahaha...speechless dowh..
dialog yg akan diingat dan harap2 xperlu diceritakan kat anak cucu.." hah..bukan ker u ade kelas sekarg.?" jawab balik...."eh..sy dah kasi solan diorg buat revision seniri"..." u bg keje pun..mana boleh xmasuk klas". Zup...giler..dah terang2 salah seniri..bleh aci jawab balik tuh...memang berani tahap GABAN arr kata org...
Lg best.., incident depan ramai org kat situ..pergh! Memang giler!
Memang kantoi!

Monday, May 11, 2009

kopi...keretapi..our journey

Tiba-tiba teringat kata2 sorg cikgu masa sek dulu..mase dia bebel kat semua form 5 masa tu gara2 majoriti skor c5 tuk paper bm dia
" ye la...perjalanan kamu masih jauh lg..kalu naik keretapi(blum penah naik ketapi pd masa tu) kamu akan stop kat beberapa stesen utk minum kopi. Cikgu ni cam org kedai kopi tu..yg sediakan kopi...dan lepas tu kamu akan teruskan perjalanan ke destinasi seterusnya."
Masa tu..sumpah xpaham ape sebenornya maksud dia...apesal pulak nak minum kopi?..Aku memang xminum kopi..sbb kat umah mak cuma buat teh'o' jer..xpun milo...kopi tu tok n tok wan jer minum bila diorg dtg or bila kami balik umah tok.
Setelah berbelas tahun..setelah aku seniri dlm bidang ni...setelah bebrapa batch anak murid habis spm...tinggalkan sekolah...terpikir balik..situasi cikgu aku dulu...
ermm..patut la dia kata camtu
maybe perumpamaan dia xkena sgt ngan kami pd masa tu..or may be aku yg memg bluurr?...hehe...
Tapi skrg rase2 ape yg dia kate tu ade betulnye...student yg kita ajar dtg n pegi...setahun, 2 tahun, 3 tahun or more dgn kita..pastu abis spm..sambung study kat mana2 universiti..local or abroad or keje ke.. meaning..itu la perjalanan mereka yg akan ditempuhi seterusnya(or biasanya)..dan diorg akan terus mengutip pengalaman dan pengetahuan baru sampai masa ajal or maut menjemput kita....(which is we really dont know when)..kita akan melalui macam2 n buat macam2 selagi kita hidup n bernyawa...betul x?
Walaupun hanya secawan kopi yg diminum..kopi tu dah tolong kita hilang mengantuk kita sekejap..utk sambung lg perjalanan kita ke stesen seterusnya...
sama macam dlm hidup kita...kita kenal , berkawan, being somewhere or seeing something, doing anything with prpose or unpurposedly done..semua bg pengalaman utk kita ambil pengetahuan n pengalaman tu utk tindakan kita dimasa depan agar menjadi manusia yg lebih matang(kot)bertindak dan buat keputusan n terus berjalan n berjalan

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hari ni 6.5.2009..dah masuk bulan 5 dlm tahun 2009.
erm..again..i feel tht time is moving so fast
i was doing all the same routine as before

p sekolah...balik
p kedai...balik
balik kg....balik semula
pi shopping(mostly window shoppin je)....balik

progrm sek n SPM still the same as past yrs
silibus Maths n Chemistry still the same..means..i'm explaining all the same things
members....still the old crons
enemies....still the same people(uiks)

why i feel..it's still static?..Do other people feel the same?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

jason mraz-i'm yours

I'm Yours lyrics
Songwriters: Mraz, Jason;
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back

Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and then you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love

Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate, our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

D-d-do do you, but do you, d-d-do
But do you want to come on
Scooch on over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed

I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

(I won't hesitate)
Open up your mind and see like me
(No more, no more)
Open up your plans and man you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
(It cannot wait, I'm sure)

So please don't, please don't, please don't
(There's no need to complicate)
There's no need to complicate
(Our time is short)
'Cause our time is short
(This is our fate)
This is, this is, this is our fate
I'm yours

dedicated to all yg tgh bechenta!!..kuinnks3x..xde keje

Lirik Lagu Maia / Ratu - Ingat Kamu

duo maia - ingat kamu lirik

Ratu - Ingat Kamu

Apakah Ini Namanya Cinta
Begitu Membingungkan
Aku Ini Sedang Jatuh Cinta
Kutanyakan Mengapa Hatiku Resah
Hatiku Gundah Semuanya Jadi Serba Salah

Aku Mau Makan Kuingat Kamu
Aku Mau Tidur Juga Kuingat Kamu
Aku Mau Pergi Kuingat Kamu
Ooo Cinta Mengapa Semua Serba Kamu

Aku Sedang Bingung Kuingat Kamu
Aku Sedang Sedih Juga Ingat Kamu
Aku Sedang Bosan Kuingat Kamu
Ooo Cinta Inikah Bila Ku Jatuh
Jatuh Cinta ...

Semua Tertawa Lihat Tingkahku
Menjadi Tak Menentu
Ini Salah Begitu Pun Salah
Kutanyakan Mengapa

Hatiku Resah, Hatiku Gundah
Semuanya Jadi Serba Salah

Aku Mau Makan Kuingat Kamu
Aku Mau Tidur Juga Kuingat Kamu
Aku Mau Pergi Kuingat Kamu
Ooo Cinta Mengapa Semua Serba Kamu

Aku Sedang Bingung Kuingat Kamu
Aku Sedang Sedih Juga Kuingat Kamu
Aku Sedang Bosan Kuingat Kamu
Ooo Cinta Inikah Bila Ku Jatuh
Jatuh Cinta...

Kucoba untuk cari jalan

Karena ku hilangkan semua bosan

Tapi kenapa wajahmu slalu

Datang mengganggu...

Apakah Ini Namanya Cinta
Begitu Membingungkan

Video Klip Duo Maia - Ingat Kamu @ RCTI

lirik'>http://www.rizkyonline.com">lirik lagu indonesia

Lirik Lagu Indonesia Terbaru

Monday, April 20, 2009

apesal ko poyo sgt?

pergh!!..berdebu..berabuk gila blog ni..
apokan dayo...bukan senang nak jadi writer ni....aptah agi editor...xpun columnist ko...
nak belasah tulih pun kena pandang kiri kanan gak...isu2 berbau politik...avoid...racist...avoid..keagamaan..pun kena avoid gak...personal sgt pun...xelok tuk kesihatan
huish...banyak check list tu...kalau nak list down la
so..at the end ..conclusionnye semuanya more to personal story...daily story happened to me..or something amusing me...kato org gitu ler...

so wht the story mori ni?...
biasala lepas perassan ni...
minah britney spears ni...dah lama xpeduli same dia...bukan ape...bayk hal dia ..kalau nak bukak citer..more tu mengumpat jadinya...oleh kerna klau bleh aku nak pegang konsep...no body is perfect..so..ignore jer tgk perangai dia yg ntah ape2 ntah..since dolu lg...nak gelak..berbakul2 la...kesian jer..lg pun x baik pulak...xmau la buat dosa kering..tapi dia suka buat belagak cam bagus..tu yg xtahan nih
perasan cantik..satu
perasan hebat...dua
perasan eficient...tiga
perasan stylo..empat
perasan serba boleh...lima
perasan muka cam siti..enam
perasan terer speaking...
perasan pandai jahit langsir
perasan bawak kete ala-ala drift
perasan paling pandai masak western food
ermm..banyak ni..jenuh ler..kalau kena mintak maap nih
ape2 pun...tuk kali ni..dia la MINAH PALING POYO...!!!!
boleh BLAH!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ntah ape2 ntah

eeiii...geramnye tgk satu kete petang tadi..memang le menda ni dah xheran kat semua org kalau cakap pun..but still cam sakit ati tgk org2 yg xde kesedaran sivik langsung.
ape ke halnye?
campak sampah sebesar-besar alam...tengah tengah jalan..kotak donut..pergh cam jalan tu bapak dia punye sorang...xtau ke sakit mata tgk perangai dia..rase nak langgar je kete tu...tau sayang kete kot..eeii..memang tarak guna betul la itu org
emo betul la tgk org cam ni...kalau xsayang tempat sediri...at least respect la tempat awam....org lain nak idup sihat sejahtera wei....pikir sikit boleh x?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sepanjang minggu lepas...cam asyik makannn jerr... makan memang best kan?...
so..ni la makanan-makanannye yg dah makan la..of course..hehehe.. saje je post gambar2 ni..xdepe nak buat...makan..gambar...makan ..gambar..

nasi lemak.....
steamboat...ketam island


brownies....secret recipe
banana n ice cream....nandos

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dear mimi...

miss to write to u..
sorry..got to change ur name...ermm..may be this one lebih sesuai kot
nothing interesting to tell u...just feel quite busy this past few days..as usual...its all about school...school..school n school..school is my life..n my life is school?..lol

finish the minit mesyuart, update panel board, searching for suitable articles,organise chem week, daily classes, thinking bout my egoistic hsmate, 'GNtable' (unwanted comment frm her sometimes..seriously), n the 'Chipmunks' geng that never give up of finding my weaknesses!!!

Its enough to give colours of my life...colour tht i luv n dont!..coloured...at least..rather thn plain white or black..eermmm...Thts life anyway..whether u like it or not...sometimes we just go with the flow

i'm just thinking to be just me, truth of me..finding real me..honest me...n felt tht u're helping me as u is me..n me is u?..only we can help ourself..rite?yeah!.."Allah xmengubah nasib sesuatu kaum kecuali mereka sindiri yg mengubahnya"


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Naming u?...

As u become my new addiction...n i'm getting more n more love to share most of the things of my life with u...or in other word...u r my new CLOSEST N BEST FRIEND!! now... hahha..feel proud huh?!,
i'm thinking of giving u a name...
i have some name for u..perhaps mimi..kiki, didi?..chichi?..dido?..comel?..elegent? blacky?sweety,rosey?lily?daisy?orchid?hibiscus?biskut?cikedies?twiesties?ana?mila?donna?mary?.hahha....susah gak nak pilih name ek actually...
but u make it easier..cz u can't protest...not even speak to comment about your name!
hahhaha...that the best part of having u..n u never get angry right?... anything is fine with u

i wanna share with u anything..everything..n make sure u dont miss a thing..
becoz u n i always share the secret....shhhhhhhh....i trust u..100%!!!
so? which one u like? chichi?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical seasons 3...

we were there!..at last! setelah 2 seasons terlepas chance nak tgk
memang best gilerrrr....n ni lah antara the best theatre n paling puas ati yg penah ku tonton!
puas ati..yes...betul
berbaloi w/pun kena beli tiket yg agak mahal

no wonder org berebut2 beli tiket..it's worth it!
waduhhh...rase boleh pejam mata sebelah je pasal duit yg dilabur utk tiket...tak nyesal beb....walaupun masa on the way tadi kitorg asyik dok sebut pasal duit jer...

Memang xdisangka cempedak jadi nangka
tiket yg kitorg cari selama ni didepan mata
ade org terpaksa cancel dan jual kat kitorg tetiba
tu la namenye qadak n qadarnya
tapi sirius berbaloi dgn persembahan yg superb...splendid..awesome..watever la org kate..memang betul
rase hepi je bila keluar panggung sari tu..puas ati!..rase nak suruh sambung lg jer

nak describe citer ni..memang sedia maklum..fail sikit
so..nasib baik byk yg dah comment pasal pgl ni..so sila check blog2 lain if u wish for a better narration
so serba ringkasnya macam yg tertera dr wikipedia di bawah ni

From Wikipedia :-
Set late in the 15th Century, the musical tells the tale of Gusti Putri, a princess of Majapahit who falls in love with the Malaccan warrior Hang Tuah. The pair first meet when a Malaccan entourage arrives in Majapahit, and both are immediately intrigued with the other's charm and intelligence.
When Majapahit is threatened by a coup, the king Gusti Adipati asks
Sultan Mahmud of Malacca for help. Sultan Mahmud promises his aid on the condition that he be allowed to marry Gusti Putri. Gusti Adipati agrees to the condition, not realising that his sister has fallen for another. Sultan Mahmud then sends Tuah to lead a delegation to warn Majapahit's enemy. Gusti Putri, overcome with longing for her beloved, decides to leave Majapahit for Mount Ledang, where she will wait for Tuah.
Gusti Adipati learns that his sister has fled, and chases her to Malacca. When Sultan Mahmud learns that Gusti Putri is on Gunung Ledang, he sends Tuah as his delegate to formally present his proposal of marriage to her. The lovers are reunited on Gunung Ledang, but Gusti Putri is disappointed to learn that Hang Tuah has sought her out on behalf of his king.
Gusti Putri then sets seven conditions for Sultan Mahmud to fulfil before she will accept his proposal, the seventh condition being a bowl of his young son's blood. Before Sultan Mahmud can kill his own son, Gusti Putri stops him, declaring that the conditions were a rejection and all she wants is to live on Gunung Ledang in peace. Enraged, Sultan Mahmud condemns her to live forever alone on Gunung Ledang.

ehem-ehem.. ringkasnya
bayangkan citer dongeng yg kita dgr masa kecik2 dulu direalisasikan didepan mata..dan ia adalah of our own epic story...bukan citer cinderella ke..snow white ke..
so...perasaan excited nak tgk tu memang sgt2 excited...
actually dah lama teringin nak tgk...tapi xpenah bejaya dpt tiket..so kempunan dah 2 season
nasib baik mengidam kali ni dpt....memang macam xpecaya weh!
overall...memang sgt berpuas ati..as i said earlier..
antara scene yg paling aku suka...

masa starting..aku dah ternganga n diam..terpukau sat..scene di tanah jawa..dgn lagu n sound effect yg sgt best...tarian cantik n very the jawa la..xtau tarian ape actually

plot..Hang Tuah n Gusti Puteri Raden Adjeng Retno Dumilah dating waktu malam atas bukit tu
cantik nyerrr.....dgn bintang yg berkelip-kelip n bulan penuh ....cantik sgt..dan dialog pun sgt menarik...comel..

semua magic yg dibuat..sgt menjadi..masa puteri hilang kat tgh2 pentas n masa nenek kebayan mengganggu kumpulan hang tuah n nenk kebayan meletup n hilang..tabik la..

puteri bertemu semula dgn hang tuah tetapi hang tuah dtg hanya dg hajat menjalankan perintah sultan shj...rase nak nangis...huhuhu..(tapi malu )..dan jeritan frust stephen rahman yg sgt2 pjg..yg nafasnya pjg giler beb..menunjukkan perasaan lelaki yg kecewa n tersepit antara cinta n taat setia kpd raja...(huh..memang xpatut tuah ni kan?)

bila puteri memberi 7 syarat peminangan...dgn suaranya yg sgt seram n menakutkan...dan background yg ade tulisan sanskrip apetah..unik..cam mimpi ah..xsangka diorg berjaya buat cam dibayangkan / diharapkan


masa prop pintu pagar istana melaka yg turun dr atas tuh..fuhhh..cantik wei..xleh describe
n prop tangga batu yg dipelbagaikan kegunaannya...very intelligent..maximise use of prop
n as warda said..i agree gambaran scene di melaka memang menunjukkan melaka is much beautiful than jawa...sori..n pompuan melaka tak tonggek..heheh
tarian Adlin yg menghilangkan sementara perasaan berdebar penonton menuggu reaksi puteri bile dia tahu nanti dia akan dikahwinkan dgn sultan melaka.
tarian gembira nak kawin...
..i like it all actually
ape2 pun...ia memang sangat berbaloi ditonton..especially in theatre..xsama kalau kat tv k!

* clap, clap,clap....bravo!
* sad to hear that this is the last appearance of tiara in PGL...ummm.. nasib baik sempat tgk tiara
* Stephen Rahman Hughes sgt sesuai sbg Hang Tuah...n i've no idea sape yg lebih layak kalau bukan dia?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

bukak tutup..bukak tutup...bukak tutp..xtau camne nak start..xtau..wht to write ...hmmmmm ..beku..blank
baru 4 minggu sekolah..dah rase cam lamaaaanyeee..camne ni?
it's should be a new year...new feeling, new things, new frens, new boyfren, new car, new housemate...n bla..bla..bla..semua kalau bleh nak baruuuuuu..!!!! baru ler rase dah masuk taun baru...uwaaaaaaa!!!!..
..susah nak describe perasaan seniri..lol..payah-payah
Hidup rase statik giler
...pejam ccelik..pejam celik...org ln dah pindah keje, pindah umah, tambah anak, anak dah naik sekolah...but me? nothing have changed since 8 yr ago...8YEARS!..Not 2..not 3, not 4 or 5..tapi 8 TAHUN ?
am i not as lucky as they were?..
or am i not grateful ?
or am i regret of wht i had so far?
or am i just dont realize how lucky i'm actually?
or am i just like to blame others of wht i'm now?
mengeluh..mengeluh n mengeluh
ntah la...

dont comment on this..i'm not clear myself of wht is this....

Monday, February 2, 2009

lucky- jason mraz n colbie callat

do u hear me talking to u
across the water
across the deep blue ocean
under the open sky
oh my baby
i'm trying
boy, i hear u in my dreams
i feel your whisper across the sea
i keep u with me in my heart
u make it easier when life gets hard
lucky i'm in love with my best fren
lucky to have been where i have been
lucky to be coming home again
they dont know how long it takes
waiting for a love like this
everytime we say goodbye
i wish we had one more kiss
i'll wait for u
i promise u, i will
lucky i'm in love with my best fren
lucky to have been where i have been
lucky to be coming home again
lucky we're in love in every way
lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
lucky to be coming home someday
so i'm sailing through the sea
to an island where we'll meet
u'll hear the music, feel the air
i'll put a flower in your hair
through the breezes
through trees
move so pretty
you're all i see
as the world keeps spinning round
you hold me right here right now
lucky i'm in love with my best friend
lucky to have been where i have been
lucky to be coming home again
lucky we're in love in every way
lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
lucky to be coming home someday

i wish i could have too...huhuhu..amin 10x (for myself)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

safety for my car

hahaa..memang pakai belasah je ni..xde pun survey2 dah..aci sape2 je dtg jual kat aku..pakai ambik je benda ni...ni dipanggil immobilizer..functionnyer..of course nak avoid car drpd pencuri ler..yg aku paham...they can't start your car (utk curi kete)..walau ape cara pun..except..by tow truck jer..sbb kete xkan boleh start without the card..hmmm ..camtu le lebih kurg..the price..RM998..for cash..

adik ni tgh pasang system box kat si-biex..kira-kira kalau aku kena kelentong...muka dia aku antar kat polis!..hehehe ..boleh trace

ni le card canggih tu..xde kad ni..kete xjalan

Monday, January 26, 2009


i'm getting suspicious about my health now...am i having any problem?..started from april last yr...asyik demam...kerap jugak la...nak buat check up ke?malasnyer...tapi risau la pulak...mana la tau..(tapi mintak simpang la..) demam kali ni maybe gak sbb tetiba xcukup tido aritu...abis sek..ke klcc..makan kat sri gombak..terus umah warda..tgk dewan jab..baru boleh tido dlm kul 2 kot..xla teruk bg org lain..
i'm worried...tolong le jgn ade pe2..

ni ubat to control my running nose..juga boleh utk control itchy skin, sneezing, runny and itchy eyes..but it has side effect when exceed the dosage..antaranya boleh sebabkan ruam, headache, n fatigue bahan aktif dlm ni dipanggil Loratadine..donno wht it is tapi kesannya agak cepat gak...dlm 5 minit..dah rase hidung x berair

Sunday, January 25, 2009

nazul's wedding

i called them nazul..nani n zul..doesn't matter kot..nani is warda's sister..so i'm invited as i'm her sister's fren. As my house at u.y n warda's at kepong..they asked me to sleep at nani's house at SD.I'm impressed...to look at her house..really successful woman ..at her age.fully furnished tu...just wht i've dreamed 4 myself..not granted yet..huhuhu
k la..actually i wanna upload some pictures from their wedding here..sweet pink

the wedding hall b4 all the guest arrive

the pink pelamin ..sweet kan

flower girl at changing room

some of bride's frens yg rajin menolong...

the arrival of pengantin...xleh ambik pic dekat sbb dah kena standby atas stage sblm pengantin sampai..so ni view from stage

try tgk muka seniri lepas penat control ayu atas stage..xpenah2 jadi gadis pentas ni

ni la bunga yg kitorg kena bagi kat org2 yg merenjis pengantin

band dr ADK..